

2022-01-17 13:59:21 来源:广州不孕不育 咨询医生

芝加哥(费希尔社身体健康版)1同月四日引述:据发表在12同月选集的《哺育与后生》周刊的一项调查报告援引克罗米酚对部分低促性腺素高血压大不如前的男性病变利于。来自伯明翰南卡罗来纳大学的该调查报告的第一作者Scott J. Whitten哈佛大学在接受费希尔费希尔社采访话说:“原发性或则否HH病变在接受侵害性极大和非常昂贵的外科手术(例如注射促性腺激素类)前顺利完成4个同月的克罗米酚试验性外科手术是利于的。”Whitten哈佛大学和同事研究成果了克罗米酚对10名HH男性病变(HH是导致男性后生的少见因素)应该有效。调查报告称克罗米酚外科手术1年后,4名卡尔曼(一族)综合征病变中只有一名病变的体外溶解度减少而全垂体功能大不如前症病变的体外缺乏腹泻均很难得到改善。相反,该调查报告援引3名年长发病的原发性HH男性病变经过3个同月克罗米酚的外科手术体外溶解度有了明显减少。目前该组病变已有两名恢复了哺育能力。Whitten哈佛大学说:“除非对克罗米酚外科手术很难反应,我们不必因为不良反应暂缓对病变运用于该药物。”仍要作者总结说:“因为条件有限,对HH病变促性腺激素类药物和克罗米酚的随机研究成果难以顺利完成,然而来进行多新作的严谨可选择标准对病变顺利完成分级意味著帮助进一步验证克罗米酚恢复男性低哺育能力的有效性。 Male Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism May Respond to Clomiphene CitrateBy Will Boggs, MDNEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 04 - Some men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) benefit from treatment with clomiphene citrate, according to a report in the December issue of Fertility and Sterility.Patients with idiopathic or acquired HH "may benefit from a 4-month trial (of clomiphene citrate) before proceeding with more invasive and expensive therapies, such as injectable gonadotropins," lead author Dr. Scott J. Whitten, from University of Alabama at Birmingham, told Reuters Health.Dr. Whitten and colleagues investigated whether 10 men with HH, a rare cause of male infertility, might respond to treatment with clomiphene citrate.Only one of four patients with Kallmann's syndrome experienced an improvement in sperm concentration after 1 year of therapy with clomiphene citrate, the authors report, and no patient with panhypopituitarism experienced a reversal of azoospermia with clomiphene citrate treatment.In contrast, all three men with -onset idiopathic HH experienced significant increases in sperm concentrations and testosterone levels after 3 months of therapy with clomiphene citrate, the report indicates. Two pregnancies he been achieved in this subgroup so far."We did not he any of our patients discontinue the clomiphene because of side effects, only if there was lack of response," Dr. Whitten said."Because this is such a rare condition, additional randomized studies comparing gonadotropins with clomiphene in this subtype of HH patients would be difficult to perform," the authors conclude. "However, larger series using strict inclusion criteria for stratifying patients may be helpful to further examine the success of clomiphene treatment in restoration of this form of male subfertility."Fertil Steril 2006;86:1664-1668.


编辑: 张靖
